Nova Istra
226 VESNA PARUN: LIFE AND WORK (21st Šoljan Days, Rovinj, 2016) ANA BATINIĆ Jesu li Džingiskan i Miki Trasi „mačci u vreći“? Are Genghis Kan and Mickey Tracy ‘the Lucky Dips’? 90 VINKO BREŠIĆ Autobiografije Vesne Parun / Vesna Parun’s Autobiographies 103 DUBRAVKA CRNOJEVIĆ-CARIĆ Pod muškim kišobranom / Under the Male Umbrella 112 MAGDALENA DYRAS Poljska čitanja Vesne Parun. Prijevodi i interpretacije Reading Vesna Parun in Polish: Translations and Interpretations 122 JAKŠA FIAMENGO Lirski nemiri Vesne Parun / The Lyric Anxieties of Vesna Parun 128 LJUBICA JOSIĆ Eseji o slikarstvu i poezija u boji Vesne Parun Essays on Painting and the Poetry in the Colour of Vesna Parun 133 MARTINA KOKOLARI Vesna Parun u kontekstu socrealizma: analiza jednog„slučaja“ / Vesna Parun in the Context of Socialist Realism: Analysing One ‘Case’ 140 ŽELJKA LOVRENČIĆ Vesna Parun u prijevodima na strane jezike Vesna Parun As Translated in Foreign Languages 152 ANTUN PAVEŠKOVIĆ Parun: riječ i more / Parun: the Word and the Sea 157 DARIJA ŽILIĆ Bilješka o čitanju Vesne Parun u SAD-u A Note on Reading Vesna Parun in the USA 162 PHILOSOPHY ŽARKO PAIĆ Pogled gologa Drugoga / A Look of the Other Naked (: Jacques Derrida) 166