Nova Istra
224 NOVA ISTRA Journal for Literature, Art and Culture Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und Kultur Rivista di letteratura, arte e cultura Pula, Croatia / Kroatien / Croazia, No. 1/2017 Starting with the current issue, this journal is again a quarterly – to be published every season and edited by a new board. In the introduction, we remember two respectable modern Croatian writers, who have recently passed away – Joja Ricov (1929-2017) and Mladen Bjažić (1924-2017). The contemporary literature section, as usual, presents prose and poetry pieces by both Croatian well-established and less-known authors, who does not only wri- te in the standard language but also in a dialect (Chakavian this time). Some verses from the modern Montenegrin literature are also added to this. There are two new translations in the relevant section that should be particu- larly mentioned here, i.e. one from the 20 th century Italian literature by the famous Primo Levi (1919-1987) and the other from the recent Slovene literature, also by the internationally significant writer Lojze Kovačič (1928-2004). An article by the Polish writer Miron Białoszewsky (1922-1983), focused on the Warsaw rebellion (1944) during the SecondWorldWar, is also included in this section. The present issue is centred around professional and academic texts on the life and work of the greatest 20 th century Croatian poetess and one of the greatest Croatian writers in general, Vesna Parun (1922-2010). The section dealing with philosophical subject matters contains a contribution on Jacques Derrida (1930-2004). After the contributions aimed to make us remember the Croatian diplomat Mario Mikolić (1937-2016) and the architect Antonio Rubbi (1955-2017) as di- stinguished people from Croatian Istria, who have recently passed away, we finally present the reviews of several new publications – this time they refer to contempo- rary fiction, poetry and drama. Translation: R. Šamo, Pula