Nova Istra

458 „Krhkost tijela i oprez prema svijetu“ The Fragility of Body and Caution to the World (Aida Bagić: Tijela su laka meta / Bodies Are Easy Targets) 439 NEVENKA NEKIĆ „Srce crvene tame“ / The Heart of Red Darkness (Tihomir Dujmović: Hrvatska u raljama djece komunizma / Croatia in the Jaws of Children of Communism) 442 FAHRUDIN NOVALIĆ „Interdisciplinarnost sociologije...“ / The Interdisciplinary Character of Sociology... (S. Lavić et al.: Leksikon socioloških pojmova / The Lexicon of Sociological Terms) 446 Authors 449 Summary & What to find and where? 451 Our editions Published by the Istrian Branch of CWA 459