Nova Istra

454 WHAT TO FIND ANDWHERE? 20 / 25 Josip BRATULIĆ Društvo i druženje kao način mišljenja Society and companionship as a way of thinking 11 boris Domagoj BILETIĆ, Uz obljetnice… / On the anniversaries of Nova Istra and the Istrian Branch of the CroatianWriters’ Association, instead of the ‘occasional’ editorial 14 Irvin LUKEŽIĆ Pogled unatrag radi pogleda unaprijed / Looking back in order to look ahead 29 * * * „Nova Istra“ i Istarski ogranak DHK-a – pogledi„izvana“ / Nova Istra and Istrian Branch of the CroatianWriters’ Association – the views from„outside“ 32 IN MEMORIAM JELENA LUŽINA Profesorica Ivezić: Post factum / Professor Ljubica Ivezić: Post factum / Uz 100. obljetnicu rođenja i 20. godišnjicu smrti / On the 100 th Anniversary of Birth and the 20th Anniversary of Death 58 CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE ZDRAVKO ZIMA Bečanin s otoka Brača / A Viennese from the Island of Brač 76 SLAVKO JENDRIČKO Širenje domovine / Widening the Homeland 103 ZORAN KRŠUL Pukotina Koloseum / The Coliseum Crack 111 ZVJEZDANA JEMBRIH Ližnjan, ožujak 2014. / Ližnjan, March 2014 126 GORAN GATALICA Žmah tajanstvenega vesmira / The Taste of Mysterious Universe 136