Nova Istra
8 UMJESTO OTVORENOGA PISMA MINISTRICI KULTURE REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE u povodu 33-postotnog smanjenja potpore časopisu„Nova Istra“ za 2013. In the first seventeen years of its publication, more than 45 issues of Nova Istra have been published, containing among other contributions larger themes , or more detailed pieces on: - globalization - (anti)globalization & culture - identity and contemporariness - intercultural communication - poetry of North American Indians - pluralism of cultures and intercultural understanding - contemporary Russian short prose - „spiritual“ songs of North American Christians - contemporary prose of Trieste - art and ideology - women‘s prose in Russia in the 1990s - surrealism - bio-ethical discrimination of women - anti-globalization movements - Lithuanian literature and culture - contemporary visual art - history of women‘s drama - extermination of certain nations in the Soviet Union in the twentieth century - new European drama - modern Russian unrestricted verse - contemporary Czech poetry - contemporary Jewish poetry - Sam Shepard - anthology of Kurdish poetry - modern and post-modern architecture - city-essay - how to „read“ Europe? - Danish modernists