Old numbers of Journal "Nova Istra", ending with the year 2014, you can buy at a price of 10 kn!
The very beginning of this double issue refers to one of the most important researchers and essayists of the contemporary Croatian literature, so much knowledgeable about literature and literary critics, who has recently passed away.
In this issue, ‘Contemporary Literature’ contains new poems and fiction pieces of writing by distinguished contemporary Croatian authors (J. Fiamengo, I. Lukšić) but also by some of them not so distinguished yet.
At the very beginning of this double issue, let us remember Tatjana Arambašin and Ante Dabo, the two distinguished Croatian writers from Istria, who unfortunately passed away.
The introductory section covering the contemporary Croatian literature includes a few short pieces in prose, extracts from larger pieces in prose, and poetry by several distinguished Croatian authors belonging to different poetic expressions.
The introductory poems should make us remember Zlatko Tomičić, the recently died poet, important and versatile Croatian writer, big patriot, who was in prison during communism because of his consistent and noble Croatian national feeling.
At the very beginning, this double issue is dedicated to the two contemporary Croatian poets that have recently died – Dragutin Tadijanović and Boris Maruna.
This is the first time, seven years after the first issue was published in 2000, that we have somewhat redesigned the journal, changed its format and made some changes in terms of its contents.
As it has been traditional to present very distinguished as well as incoming literary names from the contemporary Croatian literature in the same unit of Nova Istra.